Take a screenshot from your screen

[toggle title=”Matt asks how to take a screenshot with his phone”]Matt asked, Ask Android Support responds: I have Google Nexus 4, how can I take a screenshot? [/toggle]

It’s very easy to take a screenshot on most Android phones. You just have to press the right buttons at the same time. No app is needed.

[bq_right]Difficulty: Very Easy
Android device used: Google Nexus 4, HTC One X
Android version: Android 4.2, Android 4.1[/bq_right]


Method 1

1. Make sure the image or the page you want to capture is displayed on the screen.

2.Press the Power and Volume down buttons simultaneously.

3. The screenshot is automatically saved in your Gallery in a folder called screenshots

This works on Google Nexus 4.

Method 2

If your android phone can’t take a screenshot with the method mentioned above, there are some tips for you.

– Press the Power button and the Home button simultaneously.

This works on HTC One X.

Method 3

If none of the above methods work for your phone, then try this:

– Press the Power button and the Volume Up button simultaneously.