Sony Xperia ZL specs rating: 76.5

The specs rating of Sony Xperia ZL. The score is.76.5%.

The big brother of Sony Xperia Z has a great screen, a good second camera, excellent RAM and all the features we loved in Sony Xperia Z.

SpecSony Xperia ZLCompared to:with spec:ScoreBuy now:
Width9.8iPhone 57.671%

Weight151iPhone 511265%
Screen PPI441HTC One46994%
Camera MP13Nokia Pureview4132%
2nd Camera2.0Sony Xperia Z2.291%
Processor4 * 1.5Samsung S48 * 1.647%
RAM MB2000HTC One2000100%
Battery mAh2370Samsung Note 2310076%
Android4.1Google Nexus 44.283%
Release Date2013-03Today2013-03100%
Our view90%-100%90%
AVP rating methodTotal Rating76.5%

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