Huawei U8860 Honor specs rating: 44.8

The specs rating of Huawei U8860 Honor. The score is 44.8%.

Highlight: SAR rating

SpecHuawei U8860 HonorCompared to:with spec:ScoreBuy now:
Width11iPhone 57.655%

Weight140iPhone 511275%
Screen PPI245HTC One46952%
Camera MP8Nokia Pureview4120%
2nd Camera0.3Sony Xperia Z2.214%
Processor1 * 1.4Samsung S48 * 1.611%
RAM MB512HTC One200026%
Battery mAh1930Samsung Note 2310062%
Android2.3Google Nexus 44.250%
Release Date2011-12Today2013-0338%
Our view55%-100%55%
how we rateTotal Rating44.8%Get a better price for this phone

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