HTC Desire X specs rating: 50.0

The specs rating of HTC Desire X. The score is 50.0%.

If the ultimate smartphone is 100%. This phone is right on the middle. That means it has great specs for its price.

We love

Price: It’s an HTC phone with low price. That’ a reason to buy it.
Camera: The option to take photos and videos at the same time is really good. I think this is the best photo menu I have ever seeen. Camera and video are a button away and you can have both on your screen choosing if you want to take a photo or a video.
Burst mode: The option to take 20 or 30 photos fast and consequently, is something you find on premium HTC phones. The fact that this options is on HTC Desire X means HTC planned this phone as a photo phone. And the truth is this is a great camera phone thanks to options like burst mode.

We don’t love

RAM: Less RAM that other phones, that means 768MB is not as good as 1GB RAM phones. Even if the processor is dual core 1GHz, the phone is a bit buggy sometimes. For exemple, you press the Chrome or Opera Mini button and it takes more than 3-4 seconds to open. I think this is due to lower RAM memory. Maybe the HTC Sense is a bit heavy for this phone. Even if it is stripped down from some options.

SpecHTC Desire XCompared to:with spec:ScoreBuy now:
Width9.3iPhone 57.678%

Weight114iPhone 511298%
Screen PPI233HTC One46950%
Camera MP5Nokia Pureview4112%
2nd Camera0Sony Xperia Z2.20%
Processor2 * 1.0Samsung S48 * 1.616%
RAM MB768HTC One200038%
Battery mAh1650Samsung Note 2310053%
Android4.0Google Nexus 44.267%
Release Date2012-10Today2013-0379%
Our view65%-100%65%
AVP rating methodTotal Rating50.0%

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