Hide photos and videos from showing on your gallery app

[toggle title=”Sparky-the-shark asks how to hide files and photos”]Sparky-the-shark asked, Ask Android Support responds: How can I put videos on my phone’s video player but not have them in the gallery app. It really annoys me. I have the s3. [/toggle]

You can hide videos and photos from the gallery of your phone without using a special app, just a simple trick. Or you can use an app to hide the photos.

If you add a photo on your SD card, normally it shows on the Gallery app too. The same is true with the videos. But what if we don’t want them to appear on the gallery?

[bq_right]Difficulty: Easy
Android device used: Samsung Galaxy S3
Android version: Android 4.0[/bq_right]


1. Put all the files you want to hide in a personal folder on our PC (example called Prosopika).

2. Transfer the folder to your phone with drag and drop feature connecting the phone to PC with USB.

3. Rename the folder on your PC from Prosopika to .prosopika (don’t forget the dot before the name)

4. The folder is now masked, Android thinks it’s a system folder so it is not showed on the gallery. But you know it isn’t.

5. The files do not appear on the gallery nor the MyFiles file manager app pre installed in a lot of phones.

6. You can still see the files from OI File Manager, a free file manager app and run it normally.