Add a custom alarm song

If you want to wake up with your own song, you have to put your own alarm song on your Android phone.

[bq_right]Difficulty: Easy
Android device used: Google Nexus 4
Android: 4.2[/bq_right]


1. Get the MP3 you want to add as a ringtone to your desktop or a specific folder on your PC

2. Connect the phone to your PC with the USB cable. Press on your phone and choose Connect as a Media device

3. Access your SD card from your PC and create on your SD card a folder called alarms. If there is already a folder with that name, don’t create another folder.

4. Put the song on the folder you created.

5. Disconnect your phone from your PC

6. Go to alarms (clock – alarms) settings inside your phone and choose the song as your alarm.