HTC One X specs rating: 60.2

The specs rating of HTC One X. The score is.60.2%. Check the ranking of this phone compared to other Android phones.

Edit your weather widget

[toggle title=”Anna asks how to edit the weather widget”]Anna asked, Ask Android Support responds: I cannot edit my weather widget on my HTC phone. What I am doing wrong? [/toggle] Every HTC Android phone has a large or a smaller weather widget that takes weather data from AccuWeather and brings them to the first page […]

Take a screenshot from your screen

[toggle title=”Matt asks how to take a screenshot with his phone”]Matt asked, Ask Android Support responds: I have Google Nexus 4, how can I take a screenshot? [/toggle] It’s very easy to take a screenshot on most Android phones. You just have to press the right buttons at the same time. No app is needed. […]

Calibrate the G Sensor

[bq_right]Difficulty: Easy Android device used: HTC One X, Google Nexus 4 Android version: Android 4.X[/bq_right] The G Sensor is the sensor that can understand the movement of your phone. It is default in all Android phones. Some devices have a little problem with the calibration and they give you the option to fix it. Other […]