Play YouTube songs on the background (without stop) with Harex app

YouTube is the number one source of music so we wanted an app that lets you listen to YouTbe songs or playlists at the background.

That means that while the song is playing, you can browse the net, take a picture or use your phone.

As the official YouTube app cannot play the videos on the background, there is a special free app for that.

[bq_right]Difficulty: Easy
Android device used: Google Nexus 4
Android version: Android 4.2
Android app used: Harex – youtube in background (free)


1. Download the free “Harex youtube in background app” from Google Play

2. Open the app (must be connected to Wi-Fi) and search for a song name (as you would do on the official YouTube app). You can also search for a playlist.

3. Press ok and choose your song or list from YouTube.

4. Press play and listen to the song. If you go back to the first screen, the song keeps playing on the background.

5. To stop the video from playing, go to the Harex app and press stop.